How to maintain consistency in tech.

How to maintain consistency in tech.

Have you ever heard someone say: "Nobody is too dumb for tech. It just takes time and consistency"?

Well, that is true. But I will add that nobody is really too dumb for anything. It just takes time and consistency, so far you put your mind to it.

Practice makes perfect, and tech is a field so broad that it requires constant learning, discovering and practicing. Therefore, consistency in tech can never be overemphasized.

Below are nine steps that can help you come out from the shell of inconsistency in tech.

Set realistic goals.

Be intentional about the things you want to achieve and write them down. It can be long term or short term goals.

However, while setting the deadlines for achieving your goals, be realistic about the time frame.

Unrealistic goals and time frames will do nothing but mount unnecessary pressure on you, and might end up exhausting you along the way.

Curb multitasking.

I have noticed severally that almost all techies have this habit of opening multiple tabs at a time.

Well, whether you're learning or building a project, taking multiple courses and projects simultaneously should never be an option.

This will breed confusion and make it difficult to focus, and it will only be a matter of time before it becomes overwhelming, and then boring, and finally tiring.

Instead of trying to cover all at once, try getting one done before moving to another. Not only will it be less burdensome, but will also make the journey enjoyable.

Have a workable to-do-list/timetable.

Having a list where you refer to for your day to day activities, as well as allocating specific time to your learning helps to keep you on your feet.

As with setting goals, be realistic while creating your timetable and try not to choke yourself with too much workload.

Also, make sure the time intervals between your classes are not jam-packed, to create room for relaxation.

Set an alarm.

It does not just stop at having a timetable, you know.

Setting a reminder for each time allocated to the things on your list is the main deal.

An alarm is just like a trigger, it pushes us to get up and get a job done. This is why it is an indelible tool for anyone who wishes to maintain consistency.

Eat healthy, exercise and meditate.

Eating healthy foods, exercising the body and taking time out to meditate helps to keep both the body and soul alert. It relaxes one's emotions, while keeping you mentally and physically fit.

Tech itself, being a sedentary job, requires a healthy intake of foods and drinks, as well as moving the body and relaxing the soul through meditation.

Take a break.

Tech tends to get tiring, complex, boring or overwhelming at some point. You see yourself cracking your brain so hard to figure it out. It can also get pretty annoying.

This is when you need to take a break.

You can try listening to some music, taking a walk, hanging out with friends, or even taking a nap.

This will help your brain relax a bit, and probably help you figure it out when next you open your worktool.

Seek help.

As a techie, you have to come to terms with the fact that nobody is an island. Nobody has it all figured out!

Instead of giving up your project or learning, because you are finding it difficult to decipher, seek help!

There are a handful of experts in your field, especially on social media platforms, who are willing to put you through, and all you have to do is to ask.

Have self-empathy.

Having an understanding that no one got it all in a day will help you not to be so hard on yourself.

Understand that tech is vast, and can get complex along the way. You do not have to beat yourself up.

Also understand that your learning pace and that of your neighbor can never be the same. Stop trying to chase anyone.

Take it easy, inhale, exhale, slow down, do you!

Connect with like minds.

It could be on LinkedIn, Twitter, a Slack channel or any other social media community where you get to connect with people who are in the same field as you.

When these people share their progress or testimonies, it will challenge you to keep working, even if you have thoughts of giving up.

Wrapping up!

These are the top 9 steps that helped me overcome inconsistency. I am sharing because I know that someone out there will surely find it helpful.

I wish you nothing but good luck!